Hey babes! I’ve been trying super hard to keep up with blogging but along with my boutique owner life and traveling, things have been crazy but here I am! So last week, Cody and I went on vacation to Punta Cana at the all-inclusive Be Live Punta Cana Resort! Keep on reading if you’d like a real life review of the experience or would just like to laugh at the stupid things that happen to us..

This was my birthday present from Cody and I was so excited to relax by the beach and pool all week! And I’ve never stayed at a nice all-inclusive resort before so I was pumped! We actually got the deal through Groupon and it was an amazing deal, so I wasn’t expecting the best of the best but I had great expectations. This might sound like I am complaining or talking bad about the trip but my intentions are far from that! I am SO grateful that Cody and I got to go on this trip together and that we got to travel to Punta Cana because it was gorgeous! There was just a few hiccups along the way that were annoying at the time but, hey, these are the things that make for a great story right?! 

Day 1: Okay so day 1 is when everything negative happened. The rest of the trip was rainbows and butterflies compared to Day 1. Truthfully I have 0 photos from Day 1 because it was the travel day and it was kind of miserable. We took off in Ft. Lauderdale and landed in the afternoon in Punta Cana. However, the travel company we bought the trip from through Groupon (which will remain unnamed)  said that there would be a shuttle waiting for us to take us to the hotel for free! BUT nobody showed up and long story short we had no choice but to take a $30 cab for a 10 minute ride. *cue the first round of tears lol*. Not because of having to pay but because the cab drivers were like haggling us and I was legitimately scared.

Next, we check into our hotel. The bell boy takes us to our room and the cleaning crew was still in there and the room was RIPPED apart. Like we couldn’t even step into the room.. and he just left us there with our bags and walked away. We were honestly just so tired from traveling that we wanted to relax, take a shower and grab dinner at one of the inclusive restaurants there…so yeah, we were annoyed and went to complain at the front desk. Thankfully, they UPGRADED our room and it was nice and clean in there.

We went to go to dinner at one of the restaurants only to find out that you need to make a reservations for them TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE. So for the first two days we had to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same buffet. Wasn’t horrible. Wasn’t great.

To top the night off, the “free wifi” that I thought was included was not working on my phone. So I went to guest services to ask them to connect me. Well, turns out you need to pay $10/day to get premium WiFi (aka use ANY apps or the internet). Well, having a blog and a business, I kinda had to pay for it. And let’s be 110% real- I am addicted. Oops. Again, no biggie that I had to pay but it took them TWO HOURS to set up the WiFi on my phone. EL OH EL. Day over.

Day 2-4:

I know the first day made it seem like this was the vacation from hell, but honestly, once we rested, got wifi and got some food in our bellies.. we were in paradise for the majority of the vacation!

Codys favorite part was taking all my photos (JK) but how could I not with these super cute swimmies that I got? This one above is probably my favorite so I wore it on the first day, everyone needs to suit!

So at the resort, there were like 7 pools and a gorgeous beach, it really was amazing to do nothing but relax and swim with bae! Non-motorized sports were also inclusive, which basically just included kayaking but that was seriously awesome.

Once the third day at the resort came, we were finally able to eat at one of the restaurants and ditch the buffet! We decided to go for Mexican, I was so excited I had to wear my most fiesta-like dress to set the mood for margs and queso.

Of course I made it a necessity to stop by this gorgeous palm wall to take a picture in my new fave dress!! Shop it here, it was so perfect for vacay!

Food was pretty good but the margarita bar was my favorite!! We basically told them to keep ’em comin’ because they weren’t strong at ALL! Most of the drinks there weren’t. I’m pretty sure if I drank 5 legit margaritas I probably wouldn’t have remembered the end of dinner lol!


Like I said, the drinks weren’t that strong but we had a blast doing everything else that we didn’t mind if it didn’t feel like a college spring break lol! They had these amazing little cabanas right on the beach to lay under and drink your yummy Pina Coladas. So the Insta-Worthy scenery definitely gave the resort some brownie points.

On the last full day we took a morning walk on the beach & enjoyed the beach some more after breakfast and of course I needed to buy a coconut off of a man selling them! I hated the way it tasted. DID IT FOR THE GRAM.

DAY 5 (LAST DAY): On the last morning, we woke up early had a nice breakfast and packed our bags. We headed to the lobby which the hotel ENSURED us the day before a shuttle from our travel agency would be there to pick us up in the morning to take us to the airport. Long story short.. we waited 2 hours in the lobby while they kept going back and forth about whether someone could take us or not. They said our travel agency never put our names down & we weren’t on “THE LIST.” This time it cost $40 FOR A 10 MINUTE RIDE TO THE AIRPORT.

So yeah, our trip was amazing in the middle and really stressful on the ends! But overall I had an amazing trip! Thanks so much BAE!

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